This is Dzan's personal e-journal, everything is an expression of his thoughts and feelings. So don't get offended but if you do, you can just close the window and never coming back.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Letter for Satan
**This can really make you think.It actually mademe mad while I was reading it, but I had to send it because of the P.S.
This is deep... and I wasn't goingto forward or share it, but that last line... you'll see. **********
It really made me think WOAH!! DAMN,is satan around me????!!!
Ya Allah , Forgive me..
I saw you yesterday as you beganyour daily chores.
You awoke without kneeling to prayFajr.
As a matter of fact, you didn'teven say Bismillah before your meals, or pray Isha before going to bed lastnight..
You are so unthankful, I like thatabout you.
I cannot tell you how glad I amthat you have not changed your way of living,Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don't love you yet.
As a matter of fact, I hate you,because I hate Allah.
I am only using you to get evenwith Allah.He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back.
You see, Fool, ALLAH LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you.
But you have yielded your life tome, and I'm going to make your life a living hell.
That way, we'll be together twice.
This will really hurt Allah.
Thanks to you, I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life with all of the good times we've had.
We have been watching dirty movies, cursing people out, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, fornicating,overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, being judgmental, back stabbingpeople, disrespecting adults, and those in leadership positions, no respect forthe Mosque, bad attitudes.
SURELY you don't want to give all this up.
Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever.
I've got some hot plans for us.This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you.
I'd like to say 'THANKS' for letting me use you for most of your foolish life.
You are so gullible, I laugh atyou.
When you are tempted to sin,you give in HA HA HA,You make me sick.
Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life.
You look 20 years older, and now, I need new blood.So go ahead and teach somechildren how to sin.
All you have to do is smoke,get drunk or drinkwhile under-aged, cheat,gamble, gossip, fornicate, and live being as selfish as possible.
Do all of this in thepresence of children and they will do it too.Kids are like that.
Well, Fool, I have to letyou go for now.
I'll be back in a couple ofseconds to tempt you again.
If you were smart, you wouldrun somewhere, repent for your sins, and live for Allah with what little bit oflife that you have left.
It's not my nature to warnanyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous.
Don't get me wrong, I still hate you.
PS If you really love me, you won't share this letter with anyone.
This is deep... and I wasn't goingto forward or share it, but that last line... you'll see. **********
It really made me think WOAH!! DAMN,is satan around me????!!!
Ya Allah , Forgive me..
I saw you yesterday as you beganyour daily chores.
You awoke without kneeling to prayFajr.
As a matter of fact, you didn'teven say Bismillah before your meals, or pray Isha before going to bed lastnight..
You are so unthankful, I like thatabout you.
I cannot tell you how glad I amthat you have not changed your way of living,Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don't love you yet.
As a matter of fact, I hate you,because I hate Allah.
I am only using you to get evenwith Allah.He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back.
You see, Fool, ALLAH LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you.
But you have yielded your life tome, and I'm going to make your life a living hell.
That way, we'll be together twice.
This will really hurt Allah.
Thanks to you, I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life with all of the good times we've had.
We have been watching dirty movies, cursing people out, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, fornicating,overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, being judgmental, back stabbingpeople, disrespecting adults, and those in leadership positions, no respect forthe Mosque, bad attitudes.
SURELY you don't want to give all this up.
Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever.
I've got some hot plans for us.This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you.
I'd like to say 'THANKS' for letting me use you for most of your foolish life.
You are so gullible, I laugh atyou.
When you are tempted to sin,you give in HA HA HA,You make me sick.
Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life.
You look 20 years older, and now, I need new blood.So go ahead and teach somechildren how to sin.
All you have to do is smoke,get drunk or drinkwhile under-aged, cheat,gamble, gossip, fornicate, and live being as selfish as possible.
Do all of this in thepresence of children and they will do it too.Kids are like that.
Well, Fool, I have to letyou go for now.
I'll be back in a couple ofseconds to tempt you again.
If you were smart, you wouldrun somewhere, repent for your sins, and live for Allah with what little bit oflife that you have left.
It's not my nature to warnanyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous.
Don't get me wrong, I still hate you.
PS If you really love me, you won't share this letter with anyone.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Kata-kata yg baik... juga insya-Allah membentuk peribadi yang baik. Semoga makanan dan minuman yg disediakan oleh isteri-isteri solehah dapat disediakan bersulaman dengan zikir dan selawat serta kasih sayang yang penuh dengan keikhlasan.Now I know why most ustaz2 kalu nak berubat kena bawak air & dibacakan ayat2 suci Al-Quran kepadanya untuk kita minum...============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =========
Penemuan ini sungguh menakjubkan dan wajib dikongsi bersama,kenapa dgn keizinanNYA air penawar blh menyembuhkan penyakit, baca danhayatilah petikan dibawah:Pada (Khamis) yang lalu, Pihak Surau Wisma Telekom Semaraktelah menjemput Ustaz Abdullah Mahmud untuk menyampaikanceramah beliau.
Diantaranya :
Air merupakan salah satu rahmat Allah kepada manusia, Manusia tidakboleh hidup tanpa air, dan manusia tidak boleh hidup tanpa rahmat dariAllah.
Ustaz kemudian bercerita bahawa dia telah berkesempatan menghadirisatu seminar mengenai AIR yang berlangsung di Hotel Istanabaru-baru ini yang mana kebanyakan participant yang hadir terdiri daripadaorang bukan Islam kecuali 2 orang (Ustaz Abdullah dan seorang Pensyarah dariUM).
Penceramahnya seorang Profesor yg pakar tentang air dari Jepun.
Beliau menunjukkan hasil kajiannya mengenai air, beberapa slideditunjukkan dan dipancarkan dilayar putih kepada hadirin sekelian.
Sampel-sampel air yang diambil dari berbagai sumber air (sungai,laut, perigi dan bermacam lagi).
Maka terpancarlah berbagai-bagai rupa bentuk susunanmolekul-molekul air tersebut.
Ada yang berupa seolah-olah seperti jin tetapisamar-samar, tidak begitu jelas (dengan telinga yang besar, bertanduk dansebagainya)rupa yang menggerunkan dan menakutkan.
Lalu Profesor ituberkata 'banyak lagi sampel-sampel air yang lain tetapi rupamolekul-molekulnya hampir sama, sekarang saya nak tunjukkan sampelair yang berlainan dari sampel-sampel air yang saya tunjukkan tadi'Profesor itu pun tunjukkan, maka terpancarkan satu rupa bentuk molekulair yang tersusun cantik berupa seolah-olah seperti berlian(bersegi-segi) ,bersinar- sinar dan sinarannya mengeluarkanwarna-warna yang menarik melebihi 12 warna. MasyaAllah, cantik.
Laluprofesor bertanya 'Siapakah di antara kamu semua yang tahu sampel air apakahini'. Hadirin semua senyap, dan kemudian, Pensyarah dari UM mengangkattangan dan menjawab 'saya rasa itu adalah sampel air zam-zam'.
Profesor berkenaan memanggil Pensyarah tersebut naik ke atas dan bertanya 'Berikan saya sebab kenapa awak berkata air itu adalah airzam-zam.
'Kerana air zam-zam adalah air yang termulia didunia ini' JawabPensyarah.
Profesor berkata 'Saya tak tahu samada betul atau tidak air zam-zam itu mulia tetapi memang betul ini adalah sampel airzam-zam.
'Kemudian Professor mengatakan bahawa, kata-kata juga dapat mempengaruhi rupa bentuk molekul-molekul air.
Lalu didalam dewan itu mereka membuat experiment bagaimanakah yang dikatakan kata-kata dapat menpengaruhi rupa bentuk molikul-molikul air.
Semua hadirin dikehendaki membaca sesuatu kepada air mineral masing-masing.
Lalu seorang volunteer bangun untuk menguji bagaimana rupa air yang telah dibaca.
Bila ditunjukkan diskrin, nampak molikul air membentuk seolah-olah seperti tokong cina (dengan janggut yg panjang dan perut yg buncit).
Bila tiba giliran Ustaz, air yang dibaca dengan Al-Fatihah, Selawatdan Ayat Kursi maka nampaklah rupa molikul air seperti berlian dan berkilau-kilau. ... Subhanallah.
Lalu Ustaz disuruh oleh Profesor menbaca sebarang ayat/kata-kata yang tidak baik...maka nampaklah diskrin molikul air berupa seperti sel-sel barah.Subhanallah. .... daripada ceramah yang Ustaz sampaikan ini marilah kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar daripadanya.
Ini adalah kata-kata dari Ustaz Abdullah :
'Jika hendak air itu merasa manis maka masukkanlah gula, jika hendak air itu berwarna maka masukkanlah pewarna dan jika hendak air itu mulia maka masukanlah ayat-ayat yang mulia kepadanya'.
Penemuan ini sungguh menakjubkan dan wajib dikongsi bersama,kenapa dgn keizinanNYA air penawar blh menyembuhkan penyakit, baca danhayatilah petikan dibawah:Pada (Khamis) yang lalu, Pihak Surau Wisma Telekom Semaraktelah menjemput Ustaz Abdullah Mahmud untuk menyampaikanceramah beliau.
Diantaranya :
Air merupakan salah satu rahmat Allah kepada manusia, Manusia tidakboleh hidup tanpa air, dan manusia tidak boleh hidup tanpa rahmat dariAllah.
Ustaz kemudian bercerita bahawa dia telah berkesempatan menghadirisatu seminar mengenai AIR yang berlangsung di Hotel Istanabaru-baru ini yang mana kebanyakan participant yang hadir terdiri daripadaorang bukan Islam kecuali 2 orang (Ustaz Abdullah dan seorang Pensyarah dariUM).
Penceramahnya seorang Profesor yg pakar tentang air dari Jepun.
Beliau menunjukkan hasil kajiannya mengenai air, beberapa slideditunjukkan dan dipancarkan dilayar putih kepada hadirin sekelian.
Sampel-sampel air yang diambil dari berbagai sumber air (sungai,laut, perigi dan bermacam lagi).
Maka terpancarlah berbagai-bagai rupa bentuk susunanmolekul-molekul air tersebut.
Ada yang berupa seolah-olah seperti jin tetapisamar-samar, tidak begitu jelas (dengan telinga yang besar, bertanduk dansebagainya)rupa yang menggerunkan dan menakutkan.
Lalu Profesor ituberkata 'banyak lagi sampel-sampel air yang lain tetapi rupamolekul-molekulnya hampir sama, sekarang saya nak tunjukkan sampelair yang berlainan dari sampel-sampel air yang saya tunjukkan tadi'Profesor itu pun tunjukkan, maka terpancarkan satu rupa bentuk molekulair yang tersusun cantik berupa seolah-olah seperti berlian(bersegi-segi) ,bersinar- sinar dan sinarannya mengeluarkanwarna-warna yang menarik melebihi 12 warna. MasyaAllah, cantik.
Laluprofesor bertanya 'Siapakah di antara kamu semua yang tahu sampel air apakahini'. Hadirin semua senyap, dan kemudian, Pensyarah dari UM mengangkattangan dan menjawab 'saya rasa itu adalah sampel air zam-zam'.
Profesor berkenaan memanggil Pensyarah tersebut naik ke atas dan bertanya 'Berikan saya sebab kenapa awak berkata air itu adalah airzam-zam.
'Kerana air zam-zam adalah air yang termulia didunia ini' JawabPensyarah.
Profesor berkata 'Saya tak tahu samada betul atau tidak air zam-zam itu mulia tetapi memang betul ini adalah sampel airzam-zam.
'Kemudian Professor mengatakan bahawa, kata-kata juga dapat mempengaruhi rupa bentuk molekul-molekul air.
Lalu didalam dewan itu mereka membuat experiment bagaimanakah yang dikatakan kata-kata dapat menpengaruhi rupa bentuk molikul-molikul air.
Semua hadirin dikehendaki membaca sesuatu kepada air mineral masing-masing.
Lalu seorang volunteer bangun untuk menguji bagaimana rupa air yang telah dibaca.
Bila ditunjukkan diskrin, nampak molikul air membentuk seolah-olah seperti tokong cina (dengan janggut yg panjang dan perut yg buncit).
Bila tiba giliran Ustaz, air yang dibaca dengan Al-Fatihah, Selawatdan Ayat Kursi maka nampaklah rupa molikul air seperti berlian dan berkilau-kilau. ... Subhanallah.
Lalu Ustaz disuruh oleh Profesor menbaca sebarang ayat/kata-kata yang tidak baik...maka nampaklah diskrin molikul air berupa seperti sel-sel barah.Subhanallah. .... daripada ceramah yang Ustaz sampaikan ini marilah kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar daripadanya.
Ini adalah kata-kata dari Ustaz Abdullah :
'Jika hendak air itu merasa manis maka masukkanlah gula, jika hendak air itu berwarna maka masukkanlah pewarna dan jika hendak air itu mulia maka masukanlah ayat-ayat yang mulia kepadanya'.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
YEs aku pass QTI motor....
PAgi tadi bangun pukul 9am + then after taking a shower and all, do abit of kemas barang untuk masuk UiTM balik.. then about 11.30am+ fetch Mirul(my friend time kerja kat pasaraya) kat rumah dia at Taman Pulai Indah.
Kitorang memang dah planning nak visit Pasaraya Bistari sama - sama sebab dah lama tak ke sana... Here is the picture:
Kak Siti, Kak Azi & ME
Ps.. I forgot to take picture with mirul but he did take picture with the staff but I'm lazy to upload hehehe
Then at 1pm I have motor lesson at Bunga Raya driving school.
From 1pm-3pm
Break 3pm-4pm
continue 4pm-4.30pm
then test QTI (untuk melayakkan aku ke test JPJ)
then after dapat keputusan which is I LULUS.. then I continue my trainning till 5pm.. cause this is will be the last training before the test JPJ on 7/1/2009. Remind me k?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
my day..
on last Friday...
- Pergi pc fair
- Beli modem
- upgrade ram from 512m to 2 g
- found out that my lappy ada virus thats y lambat
- Stay at home
- try the new modem...
- Online the whole day
- pergi jusco taman u
- format lappy RM22
- beli kaspersky internet security 2009 complete protection - cost me rm99
- buat at the same place so suruh org tu install kan semua complete...
- malam pergi rumah arwah atuk kat pontian.. kenduri doa selamat
- Belajar bahasa arab basic.. sikit ngan CT (cuzen)
- Belajar motor 3jam
- pergi mydin beli barang
- pergi pontian teman abg ajib betul kan kereta dia .. be accessories and all.. plus spray skirting avanza abah kat kedai...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My new gadget..
I just subscribe with celcom broadband on friday evening, the first day of PIKOM PC Fair at Persada Hall Johor Bahru. I sign on the package that has 18 months contact. Payment made upon purchasing is RM199.00. First 2 motnhs free usage. Then have to pay RM129.00/month until the contract finish, then it will change to RM98/months. Unlimited usage. This package include modem thats why have an agreement and a bit expensive for the first 18months.
I'm happy with the connection so far...
Less waiting, a bit faster then the wireless at college, and I can online all I want and anywhere I want. HEHEHE my favourite site to visit now is cause I can catch up & watch all the DRAMA with turn on the T.V. heheheheheh
Nice huh??!
I'm happy with the connection so far...
Less waiting, a bit faster then the wireless at college, and I can online all I want and anywhere I want. HEHEHE my favourite site to visit now is cause I can catch up & watch all the DRAMA with turn on the T.V. heheheheheh
Nice huh??!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
S*** im result teruk.... compare to last semester!!!!!!
harapan aku untuk dapat anugerah Dekan semester ni tak menjadi dan harapan aku untuk dapat ANC dah terkubur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abit piss off
Right now I really f***ing nervous since my 2nd semesters' result is going to come out. Well I didn't do very well that is why i'm nervous
Suppose it will be publish in the student portal on 17/12/08. But then something happend yesterday and the system could not be open. I thought it was because of my internet connection problem but then Erin called me and told me the same thing happened to her.
I try again and again, keep on pressing the refresh button but not working.
Sasak dah aku tarus talipon, bahagian hal ehwal akademik UiTM Shah Alam (the main UiTM). Dia cakap ngan aku mungkin petang atau esok (which is today) baru dapat buka.
So I figure maybe he is right, so I check again like 5 pm or so?! And again it could not be open (the result I mean) but this time the date was change to 18/12/08 like what??!?!!!?
So here I am trying to check the result but disappointment caught me... like TAK ADE POWN!!!!!!!! boring nyer1!!!!!!! dah kecut perut aku nie......
Any thank azim!!!! for the video... like wah!!!!!!!!!! tapi syg nda brapa kedengaran suara nya...
Thank you so much...
Suppose it will be publish in the student portal on 17/12/08. But then something happend yesterday and the system could not be open. I thought it was because of my internet connection problem but then Erin called me and told me the same thing happened to her.
I try again and again, keep on pressing the refresh button but not working.
Sasak dah aku tarus talipon, bahagian hal ehwal akademik UiTM Shah Alam (the main UiTM). Dia cakap ngan aku mungkin petang atau esok (which is today) baru dapat buka.
So I figure maybe he is right, so I check again like 5 pm or so?! And again it could not be open (the result I mean) but this time the date was change to 18/12/08 like what??!?!!!?
So here I am trying to check the result but disappointment caught me... like TAK ADE POWN!!!!!!!! boring nyer1!!!!!!! dah kecut perut aku nie......
Any thank azim!!!! for the video... like wah!!!!!!!!!! tapi syg nda brapa kedengaran suara nya...
Thank you so much...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Yesterday night while reading this novel.. Suddenly something hit me. Hit me hard.. The feeling that I once felt back then after I left Brunei...
I missed my friends, Back in BRunei.... Every each one of them.. not that I could remember all since my mind is not that good in memorising.. The special ones... the one that bring my cheers and laughter.. The one that I could shares stuff with.. The one that I talk on the phone from midnight till morning.. the one I gossip with... (the one= doesn't mean the same person).. Especially Azim, Nysa, Rhy and Naq...
Azim, nysa and naq I've heard their news.. through online chatting or calling.. except for rhymie.. He hasn't been online for so long.. and when I try called him "unreachable please try again later" but then I tried calling him again yesterday... then He picked it up... we talk for 22 minutes I think.. For so long haven't exchange any news.. It felt good.. then I continue reading my book hahaha...
Actually I just go back from shopping at Angsana.. nothing to buy though just accompanied my sis in law and aunty n her 2 lovely daughters... I just when there for Mc D...hehehe Kena belanja yo....
I missed my friends, Back in BRunei.... Every each one of them.. not that I could remember all since my mind is not that good in memorising.. The special ones... the one that bring my cheers and laughter.. The one that I could shares stuff with.. The one that I talk on the phone from midnight till morning.. the one I gossip with... (the one= doesn't mean the same person).. Especially Azim, Nysa, Rhy and Naq...
Azim, nysa and naq I've heard their news.. through online chatting or calling.. except for rhymie.. He hasn't been online for so long.. and when I try called him "unreachable please try again later" but then I tried calling him again yesterday... then He picked it up... we talk for 22 minutes I think.. For so long haven't exchange any news.. It felt good.. then I continue reading my book hahaha...
Actually I just go back from shopping at Angsana.. nothing to buy though just accompanied my sis in law and aunty n her 2 lovely daughters... I just when there for Mc D...hehehe Kena belanja yo....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Selamat menunaikan ibadah Haji dan Semoga mendapat Haji yang mabrul
My parents already flew off to Mecca on 29th Nov and sister also flew back to Brunei on the same day.. I tried upload pictures of us while waiting for my parents departures but the connection won't upload it. Don't why.. Oh well...
Anyway don't tell my parents but yesterday aku terpaksa masuk wad kecemasan for about an hour and half disebabkan keracunan makanan, hahaha ya.. its funny right? just because I ate Nasi Lemak for breakfast then few minutes later I vomitted and Berak2. Pergi klinik pastu Doktor cakap Aku kena masuk air sebab I lost a lot of water in my body thats what made me weak... Dia bagi surat untuk abang aku hantar aku ke Hospital.. Abang Mamat bawa aku ke hospital Kulai...
I'm okay now.. the nurse gave me ubat tahan muntah, sakit perut, tahan berak2 and 4 packs of serbuk air garam...
K lah next time lagi k?
try to upload picture when I got the chance ya?
My World , My Life
Anyway don't tell my parents but yesterday aku terpaksa masuk wad kecemasan for about an hour and half disebabkan keracunan makanan, hahaha ya.. its funny right? just because I ate Nasi Lemak for breakfast then few minutes later I vomitted and Berak2. Pergi klinik pastu Doktor cakap Aku kena masuk air sebab I lost a lot of water in my body thats what made me weak... Dia bagi surat untuk abang aku hantar aku ke Hospital.. Abang Mamat bawa aku ke hospital Kulai...
I'm okay now.. the nurse gave me ubat tahan muntah, sakit perut, tahan berak2 and 4 packs of serbuk air garam...
K lah next time lagi k?
try to upload picture when I got the chance ya?
My World , My Life
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