PAgi tadi bangun pukul 9am + then after taking a shower and all, do abit of kemas barang untuk masuk UiTM balik.. then about 11.30am+ fetch Mirul(my friend time kerja kat pasaraya) kat rumah dia at Taman Pulai Indah.
Kitorang memang dah planning nak visit Pasaraya Bistari sama - sama sebab dah lama tak ke sana... Here is the picture:
Ps.. I forgot to take picture with mirul but he did take picture with the staff but I'm lazy to upload hehehe
Then at 1pm I have motor lesson at Bunga Raya driving school.
From 1pm-3pm
Break 3pm-4pm
continue 4pm-4.30pm
then test QTI (untuk melayakkan aku ke test JPJ)
then after dapat keputusan which is I LULUS.. then I continue my trainning till 5pm.. cause this is will be the last training before the test JPJ on 7/1/2009. Remind me k?
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