Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jatuh Motor kali kedua

This time is not my fault okay...
I was on my way to Taman U and then suddenly mase pusing sempang tu, my break won't work.. it loosen already...
I gune lah break tangan...
The bike skidded cause ade banyak pasir kat sempang tu...
Then terus lah I jatuh... hehehe...
I manage to save the bike... Take ape ape rosak pun...
For me cume kene minor bruisers jer... tak terok..
Cume kat tangan and kaki...
My mom tak notice pun huhuh...
Juz friends kat work place jer notice...
Harap harap cepat baik... huhhu

I wanna post some pictures tapi the internet sux...


Cinta Madu said...

aichh, abg dzan, careful lah. nasib baik lebam sikit, kalau teruk macam mana?

D'zaN said...

hahaha biase lah tu... dzan + motor memang tak leh ngam hahaha... actually lebam tu kat kaki... yg kat tangan kulit terkoyak sikit :p hehehe tp okay... sikit jer.. tak sakit pun...