Monday, October 6, 2008

Vanish..PhoooFFTT... Just like dat....

Well basically.. I don't really know how to describe the feeling I have right now... Is it because I seldom online that I didn't realise I being deleted from your life...

Friendship may turn to Love, and I know that Love is impossible to change to friendship .. but.. why do I feel depressed when suddenly I'm out of your life for good... I know this feeling ain't love cause if its love I would be jealous seeing your picture with him and reading your blog time to time about him.. but if I'm not your friend why do I have this awful feeling ...

You are not in my friends list cause somehow you deleted me... and you change everything that I can possibly find, just to know how are you doing...

I'm losing someone that I know for so long...
I'm losing the one person that understand me...
I'm losing YOU...

I'm afraid this might happen but it did...

Why don't you tell me...
Why just vanish like nothing ever happen...
The other day I called you... why don't you tell me that you want to be left alone...

I'm glad that you have someone now... to share your happiness and sadness...
but may I at least have a tiny piece of it from you...

You know I can never forget about you...

Believe me I've tried many times but I can't...


If this decision you made really coming from your heart... then... today ... this note, will be the last thing coming from me to YOU... but without you knowing it, I will try to keep my track on how you are doing until I can't find sources to enter your daily info.. you can say I'm a stalker but without disturbing you life...

I'm sorry... If I made a mistake... so.. thank you very much...

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